Disagreements between my parents wound up ending with that phrase.
"Woman, you are out of Order!".
Sometimes she would try and push it beyond this and he would shout "Youre not in your proper place".Or. "You are defying Jehovahs arrangement" by talking back. disputing.
This always silenced her, but you could see her mashing her teeth, grinding them. You cant repress people like that and not pay the price. Eventually she turned against him and left the church. He was in big trouble then.
She left attending meetings after some woman he was Bible studying with confessed to the elders that there had been a sexual encounter.
He was stripped of elderhood. A wounded beast.
Before that though I learnt to observe that he operated in 2 phases (daddy)to get his way.
This was in his glory days of family headship.
First he tried "reason". But it was one sided reasoning and there was no reason but His reason.The reason phase lasted about a dozen sentences.After that he switched to intimidation and threats.
He was very physical,muscular and imposing,in the way that small bossy men are.He would slam you around,humiliate you.
This method got him his way for a long time,with both boys and wife.
But all the wheels fell off at once. Everyone fell away from meeting attendance at the same time.The time of his revealed "infidelity".
People started fighting back, physically, and mentally.
My brother proved unable to be intimidated, and able to win verbal arguements.
Daddy came up with a new method of dealing with things.
Pathetic threats of suicide.
He would drink, pretend hed taken a pill overdose,pretend to collapse in the bath, drowning, when we didnt do what he wanted.
Sad isnt it?
Everyone ignored it.
After this he got more cunning.A new method.
The boys left home, Mother got a new boyfriend (still living in the same house with estranged daddy)
Strange things started to happen, events that proved how "wicked" the "world" was.How dangerous the World outside the safety of the family unit actually WAS. Just like the church said.
Hooded men stalked my mother when she stayed out late.
Sexual stalkers scrawled messages, threatening rape, on her car windscreen in her own stolen lipstick.
One time the house was "burgled",her underware ravaged , by some frenzied worldly sex fiend.Another time she came out of a party to find a pile of steaming feces on her car bonnet.
Why was this happening?
Because she was outside of Jehovahs protective arrangement. Her marriage.
Of course, the only stalker was daddy dear.